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SEO for ecommerce Part 1

  • Designed to guide the optimizing the pages of an online store, to build traffic, and improve your page rankings
  • Find who you are targeting
  • Common mistakes in ecommerce websites
  • What you should know before watching this course
  • If not a web developer use Shopify
  • Two examples: Shopify and Adobe Muse
  • Google Analytics
  • What is SEO for ecommerce
  • SEO: is the process of assessing the current on and off page factors of a website and improving these factors to boost rankings in a search engine like Google.
  • SEO is not a list of tasks that you check off and your site instantly rockets to the top shot.
  • There is a big connection to a sites traffic and its search ranking. You must focus on building traffic in order to build rankings
  • Driving more traffic to your site through social media or through backlinks from bigger sites can do more for your search rankings
  • Understanding on-page vs. off-page SEO
  • On and off page factors refer to the changes you make directly on the site itself versus things that are done on external locations
  • On page factors include elements like the keywords, written content, heading, titles, etc, page urls and the way that these are structured, and internal links, such as footers or navigation systems
  • Foundation of off-page SEO is links to your website from other sites on the web like social media, reputable industry sites, blog posts, or product review sites.
  • On page can be tweaked off page can always improve
  • The importance of usability
  • Important rule of Ecommerce SEO is to ensure that your site is easy to use for customers and potential buyers first.
  • Where site owners go wrong:
  • Start crafting content to improve rankings, but it stops resonating and appealing to the visitors of the site.
  • Focus on acquiring visitors through SEO
  • Worry about retention or keeping them on the site
  • Keywords for a major heading but you don't need to stuff in the headline
  • Always design and write for the customers and visitors first and search engines second
  • Focus on proper design techniques
  • Exploring how SEO affects the buying process
  • User becomes aware of a need or problem that they need solved
  • They begin to explore that need and seek out a solution
  • They begin to evaluate and determine which one to buy
  • They make their purchase
  • Funnel Format where the widest part of a funnel gets smaller as we approach the bottom
  • Target the audience specifically
  • Setting expectations and establishing realistic goals for your SEO results
  • Rankings go up or down on a weekly or daily basis
  • Googles job is to find a relevant and useful result for your search
  • Target a niche
  • Target specific searches and achieve higher conversion rates for less visitors.
  • Making more sales for a more targeted group of potential buyers
  • Google takes into account many factors including the age of your site and the number of inbound links
  • Buying google adwords or advertising on the web can be a big help
  • Understanding exactly who your customer is
  • Target market research
  • Look at the common trends
  • What type of content do you prefer: video, blog posts, articles, et cetera?
  • First identify with themes in customers that can be applied to your keywords.
  • Target those personas that are most likely to purchase from your site, not just visit.
  • Creating buyer personas
  • The goal is to create a person or identity that exactly matches the type of buyer your site is going to attract
  • These includes a customer's age, gender, location, job titles, and any interests they may have.
  • Frame these characteristics into a real person, the key is to identify exactly what problem the buyer needs to solve and how your product can solve that problem for them.
  • Buyer personas are a helpful tool for making sure SEO efforts are on target and for correctly bringing in the right kind of traffic.
  • Using simple and long tail keyword research
  • Keyword search is probably the most important aspect in SEO strategy
  • Simple keywords: Generally one or two words targeting a broad product or surface (they are also competitive)
  • Long tail keywords are generally three or more words to describe a specific product or service
  • The search volume is lower and easier to target for buyers looking for the specific thing
  • Simple words the search volume is the highest and long tail volume is the lowest.
  • Getting the most out of keyword research
  • Write down an initial list of keywords that a buyer may enter.
  • Use googles own suggestion feature to help expand your initial list and see what similar searches are being made.
  • Try inputting several different searches into the bar and seeing what other suggestions come up
  • In google adwords on the google keyword planner homepage:
  • First we need to click on the area that says “search for new keywords using a phrase or service”
  • Fill in the areas below
  • Third input our product category
  • Click next get ideas, but the important part is to click on where it says “keyword ideas”
  • This generates a list of keywords ideas related to the information entered
  • This is sorted by competition and the average monthly number of searches
  • Input your keywords into a spreadsheet
  • Make sure your list includes both short and long tail keywords to maximize your exposure to the market.
  • Carrying out competitor research
  • Analyze which of your competitors are ranking at the top and why that are there and how you can differentiate yourself.
  • First perform a search in google for each of the keywords you have identified
  • SEMrush to analyze other top ranking sites for that particular keyword
  • Enter domain, keyword, url
  • Identify your competitors
  • “Side by side SEO comparison”
  • Using this is important information about competitors sites. Things like title and meta description.
  • Differentiate yourself as much as possible and capitalize on a smaller segment of the market.
  • Harnessing page titles and meta information
  • On page factors are the specific elements that we can modify for the better search results.
  • Most important is the page title
  • Page title is displayed in the top browser tab
  • Keep it 50 to 60 characters long
  • Must use a unique page title for each page on your website
  • Google might penalize for repetition
  • Meta information is a block of text that appears below the page title and the page URL
  • Avoid stuffing
  • Exploring page structure: Headings, copy, and images
  • Headings, written content, and images
  • Headings:
    1. Common in the modern web to have a large prominent block of text
      Should be set up using the heading tag

      Your page heading is the first element that a user sees
  • Written content:
    1. Description of product
      Important keywords
  • Images:
    1. Use alt tags for images
      Developers tools
    Crafting internal links to help search engines explore your site
  • Its important that internal and external links aren't lost or buried where search spiders can't find them
  • Well crafted links accomplish the goal in SEO which is to improve the user experience and make navigating the site easy.
  • It encourages users to explore deeper into your site and can have a major impact on rankings and balance rates
  • Any link created that points to another web page contains a “anchor text”
  • Wrapped in a link tag
  • Relevant anchor texts is extremely beneficial for telling search engines what the page is all about.
  • Earning inbound link to raise your ranking
  • Building links from external websites or earning those links is important for improving those results
  • A properly structured link from a very trustworthy site can give you a huge boost in rankings
  • Highly prioritize by search engines because they are seen as one of the most difficult factors to manipulate
  • A reputable site must agree to place a link from their site to yours
  • Sites with a pagerank of five or higher are generally very high ranking and very reputable
  • Pagerank give a number out of ten. Higher the number the better. Anything better than a 5 is awesome
  • Work hard to build quality inbound links
  • Quality over quantity matters
  • Web Sites Vs. Web Apps Chrome DevlTools Web Hosting SEO for ecommerce Part 2