
For Bootstrap I chose the template I used to create this website and look at the code itself. We will look at the layout and page elements that are accomplished from the HTML/CSS bootstrap classes. We will look at the graphics editing so we can input photos into the designated spots. I will also go over some programs that will do the functions: crop, resize, export. I also show the work I have done to create a favicon. Its mostly my opinion on my struggle of finding one and implementing it into my website but its still work I am proud of. I also included a cheatsheet of different bootstrap tools that are available to use on websites. The code for these cheatsheet tools is under my github. Github holds all of the code Ive used including the bootstrap template I have used to make this website. Here is all my work:

Different Grids

Bootstrap Beginner Crash Course Part 1 & 2

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Different Templates

Bootstrap Template

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Different Phone Templates

Bootstrap Template Analysis and Graphics

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favicon generator

Continue Project 0 and add Favicon

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